日本語 | English | 中国语
The present you presented me was an inspiration to my brain since the gift you gave me is exactly the exact thing I was looking for.
The present you gave me was an awakening for me because the present is exactly the exact thing I was looking for.
I just hope in the future to show you the things you’ve offered to me.
I am grateful for the simplicity and clarity in your descriptions.
You’ve picked the perfect gift for me.
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The present you presented me was an inspiration to my brain since the gift you gave me is exactly the exact thing I was looking for.
The present you gave me was an awakening for me because the present is exactly the exact thing I was looking for.
I just hope in the future to show you the things you’ve offered to me.
I am grateful for the simplicity and clarity in your descriptions.
You’ve picked the perfect gift for me.