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    DATA MATCH HT/FT ODD RESULTS % 30.01.2021 B. Monchengladbach II – Bergisch Gladbach 2/1 30.00 0:1 – 2:1 23.01.2021 Lommel SK – RWDM 2/1 30.00 0:2 – 3:2 02.01.2021 Helmond – Dordrecht 2/1 30.00 1:2 – 5:2 19.12.2020 Alloa – Inverness 2/1 35.00 0:1 – 2:1 12.12.2020 Leyton – Newport 2/1 30.00 0:1 – 2:1 05.12.2020 Aluminij – Mura 1/2 30.00 1:0 – 1:2 28.11.2020 Vysehrad – Vlasim 1/2 30.00 1:0 – 1:2 07.11.2020 C. Budejovice = Zlin 1/2 30.00 1:0 – 1:2 31.10.2020 Inverness CT – Arbroath 2/1 30.00 0:1 – 3:1 25.10.2020 Giana Erminio – Como 2/1 30.00 0:1 – 2:1 07.03.2020 Belfort – St. Genevieve 1/2 30.00 1:0 – 1:3 29.02.2020 Chippenham – St. Albans 2/1 30.00 0:1 – 2:1 22.02.2020 Havant & W – St. Albans 1/2 30.00 1:0 – 1:2 08.02.2020 Wingate Finchl – East Thurrock 2/1 30.00 0:1 – 2:1 18.01.2020 Stalybridge – Basford United 1/2 30.00 2:0 – 2:3 11.01.2020 Barwell – Alvechurch 2/1 30.00 0:1 – 2:1.
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    Fixed Matches Archive can cool the planet and save money doing it. The earth is heating up at an unprecedented rate. Tropical diseases are appearing in American cities. Every summer is more unbearable than the last.Massive fires devastate our forests. Someone just sailed a pleasure boat through the once to the North Pacific via the North Pole.What is being done? At Paris in December 2015, 196 countries signed a “game recognized the threat climate change poses to humanity. Their solution? Slow the rate at which we are heating the atmosphere.This is a good idea. But it will not solve the problem. It is like slowing the car as you hurtle toward the missing bridge over a deep gorge. You buy time – but you are still going over the edge.What is missing?Solutions that actually cool the earth’s atmosphere.Scientists tell us that the main culprit in global warming is carbon in the form of CO2. This is why trees are so important and why global deforestation is a key part of global warming.Trees remove CO2 from the atmosphere through photosynthesis. They release the oxygen (O2) breathe and use the carbon (C) to build cell walls. As long as the tree is alive, it soaks up C; together trees in a forest become a “carbon sink” holding carbon that cannot contribute to global warming.The problem with this is obvious – trees die and when they do, they rerelease the C into the atmosphere Fas they rot.This is where your town comes in.
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    Correct Score Matches Archive can cool the planet and save money doing it. The earth is heating up at an unprecedented rate. Tropical diseases are appearing in American cities. Every summer is more unbearable than the last.Massive fires devastate our forests. Someone just sailed a pleasure boat through the once to the North Pacific via the North Pole.What is being done? At Paris in December 2015, 196 countries signed a “game recognized the threat climate change poses to humanity. Their solution? Slow the rate at which we are heating the atmosphere.This is a good idea. But it will not solve the problem. It is like slowing the car as you hurtle toward the missing bridge over a deep gorge. You buy time – but you are still going over the edge.What is missing?Solutions that actually cool the earth’s atmosphere.Scientists tell us that the main culprit in global warming is carbon in the form of CO2. This is why trees are so important and why global deforestation is a key part of global warming.Trees remove CO2 from the atmosphere through photosynthesis. They release the oxygen (O2) breathe and use the carbon (C) to build cell walls. As long as the tree is alive, it soaks up C; together trees in a forest become a “carbon sink” holding carbon that cannot contribute to global warming.The problem with this is obvious – trees die and when they do, they rerelease the C into the atmosphere Fas they rot.This is where your town comes in.
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    ENGLAND: Premier League.
    ENGLAND: Premier League.
    BRAZIL: Copa do Brasil.
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    ENGLAND: Premier League.
    CHILE: Primera Division.
    CHILE: Primera Division.
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